Altos Las Hormigas, Hoy

Altos Las Hormigas Team of Ants, Mendoza Malbec, Harvest 2012

Cada año al final de la cosecha recuerdo y pienso en la cosecha anterior y todas las que hemos pasado. No hay fortuna más grande que seguir, después de diecisiete años de desempeño, gozando de una genuina y espontanea motivación al trabajo diario, este es el mayor de los regalos que tenemos que agradecer a Mendoza y … Read more

Hormigas en una Calicata

Terroir Studies with Pedro Parra, Altos Las Hormigas, Harvest 2012

“Como no entendemos NADA ! Lo queremos saber TODO! Calicatas y mas calicatas!” “We do not understand anything! We want to know everything! Pits and more pits!” -Mauricio Gonzalez, Viticulturist Just this past week we unveiled the new 2007 Single Vineyard Vista Flores Malbec, which will be released in the coming months. It is beautiful…intriguing…complex. … Read more


Full Day Terroir With Pedro Parra, Altos Las Hormigas Harvest 2012

El 22 marzo, los periodistas y sommeliers de Buenos Aires y Santiago siguieron Pedro Parra y las Hormigas para una día FULL TERROIR. On March 22nd, the top journalists and sommeliers from Buenos Aires and Santiago joined Pedro Parra and Team of Ants for a Full Day of Terroir. Siga Harvest 2012 para todos las detalles.|Follow the Harvest 2012 for a full recap.

Malbec y Tapas: Raíces Españolas, Estilo Argentino

Altos Las Hormigas Malbec y Tapas, Mendoza, Argentina

La armonización o “maridaje”, consiste en lograr la mejor combinación entre el menú y el vino. Un maridaje perfecto debe mejorar ambos, el vino y la comida. Es un juego de equilibrio y a veces, instinto. Se necesita solamente buen gusto para disfrutar. Estos son algunos de nuestros maridajes preferidos con los vinos que consideramos ideales … Read more

Cosechando a Vista Flores

Today we harvest Vista Flores, a region tucked directly below the Andes in the Uco Valley. Contrary to the warm, red and orange landscape of the desert-like Lujan de Cuyo, this quintessential Mendoza scenery feels as though it may have been plucked straight from a storybook. Mountains tower over vines, the snow-capped peaks just barely visibly through … Read more

Cosecha de Luna Llena

Harvest 2012, Altos Las Hormigas, Mendoza, Argentina Full Moon

Update from Leonardo Erazo, Enologist: “The arrival of our first potential Single Vineyard of the harvest 2012! Trucks carefully arrive, all in line, disciplined and orderly like ants marching… …stunning grapes deserve LOTS of work from the whole team, getting them as clean as possible… …while day becomes dusk, dusk becomes night. Time forms its own rules … Read more


Microvinification is a winemaking technique used often for experimental batches of wine where the wine is fermented in small, specialized vats. Microvinification allows a viticulturist to express the most natural, unadultered characteristics of a single terroir, or vineyard block.

Cosecha Por Un Día

In Mendoza, Argentina Harvest 2012 has arrived. Harvest is the culmination of a year’s worth of work, preparation, anticipation, and often anxiety. You can work in the industry all your life and still never work a harvest. It’s a bit like eating food that you don’t know the origin of. To truly appreciate a wine, … Read more

Terroir Tour con Pedro Parra

Terroir Tour

Along the Altos Las Hormigas journey we have seen vineyards that seemed to have all the perfect characteristics: climate, altitude, vine age, care, balanced canopies, yet they couldn’t deliver the wine that we were looking for. At the same time, other sites, with poor management, ill design, and young age, managed to deliver the best … Read more

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