Veraison: Finca Altos Las Hormigas
There are crucial decisions to be made just prior to veraison, as this is the time where the viticultural team has an opportunity to reduce the yield. This process is known as “green harvesting,” as excessive bunches of green berries are removed and dropped to the ground. The aim here is to ensure that each … Read more
Irrigation | Riego
This might seem like an unglamorous topic… perhaps a bit, geeky? However, irrigation is the lifeline of your vineyards. In some regions it simply is not possible to let Mother Nature take over. In modern winemaking long gone are the days of rain dances and appealing to the Rain Gods. Instead, irrigation is implemented. All … Read more
Fruit Set: Finca Altos Las Hormigas
About 40-80 days after bud break, just following flowering, we start to see fruit set. This is our first glimpse of the fertilized flowers that have developed into berries. The stage leading up to fruit set is directly related to climate, humidity, high temperatures, health of the vine, and water stress- all of which can … Read more
Bud Break | Brotación
The vine begins the process of bud break and the first sign of green in the vineyard emerges. Every viticulturist waits for this moment. The energy to facilitate this growth comes from reserves of carbohydrates stored in roots and the wood of the vine from the last growth cycle. Eventually the shoots sprout tiny leaves that … Read more