Llegada del Malbec Reserve

See those little red bins? You might recognize them from the previous post celebrating the harvest of Dyonisos Vineyard. These are the bins we affectionately refer to as amados tachos, or beloved bins.  Whenever you see these pretty red bins, expect something special, something with lots of character, something that deserves its own careful handling. … Read more

Los Amados Tachos de Dyonisos

Dyonisos Vineyard, Vista Flores, Uco Valley Mendoza, Malbec Harvest 2013

Despite the million tiny details that run through the mind of agronomist Mauricio Gonzalez and his team during harvest, there is one in particular that rules the rest for Harvest 2013: respect the terroir. A pesar de los millones de detalles pequeños que pasan por la mente del ingeniero agrónomo Mauricio González y su equipo … Read more

Un Nuevo Vinedo

Mauricio Gonzalez, Agronomist, Planting a Biodynamic Malbec Vineyard, Bodega Altos Las Hormigas, Mendoza, Argentina Terroir Wine

How cool is it to plant a new vineyard in a virgin, previously untouched site? Where in the world can you be part of such a unique experience, and still expect to make serious wine? Mendoza is that place. Qué tan bueno es plantar un viñedo nuevo en un sitio virgen, sin la influencia de … Read more

Planear Un Viñedo

Drip Irrigation, Vineyard Altos Las Hormigas, Malbec, Mendoza, Argentina Wine

Over the past 5 years as we defined the Terroir Project, we’ve shifted our philosophy to focus more on making site-specific, personal wines, in an increasingly more organic, biodynamic way. As you might guess, this is a slow, patient endeavor that has required adopting many new practices and gradually converting our team, our vineyards and our … Read more


Budbreak, Brotacion Malbec Mendoza Altos Las Hormigas

There is something hopeful and satisfying about budbreak. Vitality returns to the vineyards and with a tiny speck of green, the master wheels are turning. It’s time. Hay algo esperanzador y satisfactorio en la brotación. La vitalidad vuelve a los viñedos y con una nota de color verde, las ruedas empiezan a girar. Todo comienza. … Read more

Un Secretito

Bodega Altos Las Hormigas Mendoza, Argentina, Malbec Vines

Locals in Mendoza affectionately refer to the time between harvests as the “low season.” The days are short and quiet, the temperature is cool, the pace is slow and the vineyards are bare… except for a couple telling signs of last year’s life. La gente local en Mendoza cariñosamente se refiere al tiempo entre cosechas … Read more

Altos Las Hormigas, Hoy

Altos Las Hormigas Team of Ants, Mendoza Malbec, Harvest 2012

Cada año al final de la cosecha recuerdo y pienso en la cosecha anterior y todas las que hemos pasado. No hay fortuna más grande que seguir, después de diecisiete años de desempeño, gozando de una genuina y espontanea motivación al trabajo diario, este es el mayor de los regalos que tenemos que agradecer a Mendoza y … Read more

Hormigas en una Calicata

Terroir Studies with Pedro Parra, Altos Las Hormigas, Harvest 2012

“Como no entendemos NADA ! Lo queremos saber TODO! Calicatas y mas calicatas!” “We do not understand anything! We want to know everything! Pits and more pits!” -Mauricio Gonzalez, Viticulturist Just this past week we unveiled the new 2007 Single Vineyard Vista Flores Malbec, which will be released in the coming months. It is beautiful…intriguing…complex. … Read more

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